Our society is undergoing a process of dynamic and rapid changes, moving toward information knowledge and network society or the informational mode of development. Information and knowledge are distinguishing features of a modern society and the driving force of this change is the ever-increasing use of information and communication technologies (ICT). The translation of information into knowledge and ideas lays at the very foundation of libraries. It is recognized that library is not just a place where information is gathered and accessed, but where ideas are formed, inspired and shared through innovative and engaging physical and digital spaces.
The digital production and management of information is one of the core areas of the library. Through digitization and the development of new tools and systems for information discovery, management and analysis, insinuate libraries are poised to play a pivotal role in the production of knowledge as both publishers and disseminators of knowledge. Library is contributing and will continue to contribute to the internationalization of research by building and integrating access to global resources.
The first role of Institute of Oromoo Studies Library and Archive (IOSLAA) is to collect the most important works in the country and abroad. The aim of IOSLAA is to provide innovative and relevant services to support Oromoo studies. This will be achieved through the provision of excellent staffs, services, collections and spaces and a focus on the deep understanding of communities needs through collaboration and partnership. The following are the main strategic plan of the IOSLAA.
Strategic Theme 1: Collecting documents related to Oromoo vigorous and create quality collections
Strategic Theme 2: Giving quality services to its patrons by using robust technology
Strategic Theme 3: Excellence in research and development
Strategic Theme 4: Internationalization and collaboration
In attempt to achieve the objectives of the Institute, the IOSLAA sets the following vision and missions.
Creating a number one choice Library and Archive where massive and quality collections of Oromoo related documents are available and readily accessible.
- Establishing model research library which is supported by robust technologies
- Collecting and organizing published and unpublished documents on Oromoo related issues such as culture, history, language, etc…
- The IOS Library and Archive inspires of providing strong information resources which can be useful to create new knowledge and ideas.
- Providing access of both physical and digital formats of collections
- Building strong and unique specialized collections to attract world class scholars
- Launching institutional repository in order to preserve and disseminate research output, conferences, seminars, workshop etc..
- Providing electronic databases
- Training users and staffs to develop their information exploitation skills for efficient and effective utilization of reliable information resources.
- Establishing audio visual center
Name: Muktar Bedaso (MSc)
Institute of Oromo Studies
Jimma University
P.O.Box 378
E-mail: muktarbedaso11@gmail.com/muktar.kuyu@ju.edu.et
Tel. No. +251 47 211 9773