Tech-lab Services
Jimma University has invested extensively in the development of scientific and technical infrastructure in support of its academic mission. The university has a number of laboratories that support experimental research, sample analysis and testing. The university has an extensive network of laboratories, including for Molecular Breeding, Plant Physiology, Tissue Culture, and Plant Protection laboratories; Soil Laboratory; Animal nutrition, Anatomy, Embryology and Physiology, Microbiology and Veterinary Public Health; Parasitology, Pathology and Histology; and Mastitis and Milk Quality Laboratories. In addition, the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, has extensive farms for plants and animals inside as well as outside the campus for demonstrations when needed.
In an effort to bolster the relationship with the private sector, the ABLI should coordinate access to the scientific and technical infrastructure of the university to support safety, quality management, product improvement and innovation, and commercialisation activities of farmers and agri-business owners.
This will require an assessment of the needs of farmers and agri-business owners, the capacity of the university to respond to identified needs, mapping of the services (certification, sample analysis, testing, etc) and determining the price for provision of these services. Use of laboratory facilities for provision of technical laboratory services to the private sector must be done in a manner that does not undermine the teaching and learning activities of students.