Jimma University Drug and Poison Information Center (JUDPIC) is specialized unit under school of pharmacy which provides information, advice, pharmacovigiliance and toxicovigilance activities, researches, education and training in the prevention, identification and treatment of medications related problems and poisoning in principle to the whole community.
Mission:The mission of Jimma University Drug and Poison Information Center (JUDPIC) is to improve health and health care services of community by reducing mortality and morbidity associated with drug & poison and by encouraging the rational use of medications.
Vision: The vision of Jimma University Drug and Poison Information Center (JUDPIC) is to prevent, identify and solve problems associated with medication and poisoning related illness through introduction of specialized initiatives in education and service commitment to its goals.
Objectives: The main objectives of Jimma University drug and poison information center services includes, not limited to
- Providing information to health professionals on specific problems related to the use of drugs in particular patients;
- Providing information to officials in government agencies to optimize the decision making process;
- Preparing and developing of guidelines and formularies;
- Improving patient compliance and to provide a guide to responsible self medication;
- Developing and participating in continuing education programs;
- Providing and participating in undergraduate and graduate teaching programs;
- Developing educational activities regarding the appropriate use of drugs for patients in the community;
- Preparing and distributing material on drugs to health personnel in the form of a drug information bulletin, newsletters, alerts and/or other media;
- Developing and participating in research programs;
- Providing rapid access to information valuable in assessing and treating poisonings.
- Assisting with poisoning prevention.
About the DPIC |