eCHIS End User Training was conducted from November 5-9, 2019 at Jimma University
Posted by ashenafi on Monday, 25 November 2019
Jimma University CBMP in Collaboration with Oromia Regional Health Bureau had conducted
eCHIS end user training from November 5-9, 2019 at Jimma University as part of a plan of expansion
of eCHIS implementation site to Metu rural Woreda, Illubabor zone. A total of 29 HEWs, 7 midwifes and 6 HMIS/M&E
experts from Woreda health office and zonal health departments were participated. In addition two HEWs and
one HMIS experts were also participated from Omo Nada Woreda as a gap filling.
At the end of the training action plan was developed by the participants, where a two month action plan was developed.