
The formulation of the New Education and Training Policy of 1994 brought about the use of mother tongues in schools. Using the nations and nationalities’ languages in different socio-cultural spheres has continued to encourage the language speakers of Ethiopia to use and promote their mother tongues. Similarly, Afan Oromo has had the chance to be used as a medium of instruction in primary schools and as an official language of Oromia regional state. This opportunity has also led to the language being taught as a subject in Oromia high schools. Moreover, it has become a medium of instruction in teachers’ training institutes as well as other colleges in Oromia. Having qualified personnel in Afan Oromo has therefore become an urgent need of the region. The Government of Oromia Regional State has given due attention to promote Afan Oromo to B.Ed degree level in order to meet this urgent demand for qualified professionals in Afan Oromo. Concomitantly, the program was launched at Jimma University and Haramaya University in the 2004/2005 academic year for the first time in the history of the country. Since then, the Department has been offering B.Ed. Degrees in Afan Oromo in regular, extension and summer in-service programmers.

Brief overview of the Department

It is traceable that the department had been offering BEd degree in Afan Oromo for at least five years since 2004-2008. However, by offering BEd degree with the then curriculum, it was not possible for the department to supply the diverse demand for graduate of Afan Oromo in the country. Thus, in order to satisfy the existing current needs and the future demand of trained manpower in the language, for instance, to serve the community in public relation services in various government and non- governmental offices, to teach in high schools and teachers’ training institutes and colleges, and to serve in media and communication centers, it has become very significant to review and make more widen the existing curriculum. Accordingly, the current curriculum of the department was designed in 2009 in BA Degrees and the department has been producing professionals like journalists, public officers, translators, researchers, authors, artistes and others. In this days the department has been offering MA , BA and B.Ed  degrees in  Afan Oromo in regular, extension , weekend and summer in-service programmers.

Mission of the Department

  • To create Afan Oromo as one of linguistically developed and widely accepted language.
  • Vision of the Department
  • To see well trained language experts those have reliable knowledge about the language and their society.

Objectives of the Department

The Afan Oromo department needs language trainers to be aware of language and culture. Modern issues regarding language like multilingualism and bilingualism, cross-cultural communication, mass communication, etc should also be emphasized to enable the candidates gain general knowledge about the language.

The Specific Objectives of the department

  • To produce qualified professionals who can serve as researcher, public relation officer, news reporter, editor, translator, artist, etc.
  • To coordinate various researches conducted in and/or on Afan-Oromo.
  • To conduct different community based projects in collaboration with independently or in collaboration with the institutions.
  • To conduct training and workshops for further advancement of the language and, take part in community based development activities.
  • To carry out research activities to standardize Afan Oromo.
  • To offer quality courses that can enable students ready for various occupational purposes.

Future plan of the Department

The department has planned to start new programs like, mass communication , journalism and literature.

Management structure of the Department

  • Head, for the department
  • Coordinator, for post graduate program

Admission criteria of students of the Department

The department needs students who:

  • would successfully complete the preparatory program
  • have fitting result in the higher education entrance examination
  • have good speaking, listening, writing and reading  of Afan Oromo
  • have an interest in studying the Oromo language and culture in general
  • Could suit the general admission requirements of the University.

Service offered by the department

The department has been training students both in undergraduate and post graduate programs with many technical activities in the department and outside the department if a need.

External links    
• Governmental organizations
Even though not strong, the department work with Oromia cultural and tourism bureau.

Research thematic areas and descriptions

Research thematic of the department is on language, linguistics, literature, public relations, mass communication, and other related areas.