Active Studies

Comparative Genomics of Plasmodium Vivax: insights into Duffy Negative Erythrocyte invasion (PvDNA)

  • Project Type: – Research (Thematic: – Health and Well-Bing)
  • Collaborative Institute: – University of Boulevard Charlotte
  • Principal Investigator: – Prof. Delenasaw Yewhalaw
  • Co-Investigator: –
  • Background and Methodology of the Study: –
  • Objective of The Study: –
  • Study Area and Study Site: –

International Excellence for Malaria Research(ICEMR)

  • Project Type: – Research (Thematic: – Health and Well-Bing)
  • Collaborative Institute: – National Institute of Health (NIH)
  • Principal Investigator: – Prof. Delenasaw Yewhalaw
  • Co-Investigator: –
  • Background and Methodology of the Study: –
  • Objective of The Study: –
  • Study Area and Study Site: –

Controlling Emerging Anopeles Stephensi in Ethiopia and Sudan (SEASE)

  • Project Type: – Research (Thematic: – Health and Well-Bing)
  • Collaborative Institute: – Welcome Trust
  • Principal Investigator: – Prof. Delenasaw Yewhalaw
  • Co-Investigator: –
  • Background and Methodology of the Study: –
  • Objective of The Study: –
  • Study Area and Study Site: –

“Evaluation of Sumitomo’s New Indoor Residual Spray Product “SUMISHILD 50WG” Against an invasive Malaria Vector “(Anopheles Stephensi).

  • Project Type: – Research (Thematic: – Health and Well-Bing)
  • Collaborative Institute: – Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd
  • Principal Investigator: – Prof. Delenasaw Yewhalaw
  • Co-Investigator: – Dr. Eba Alemayew
  • Background and Methodology of the Study: –
  • Objective of The Study: –
  • Study Area and Study Site: –

Multi-omics approaches to Malaria in Pregnancy (OMICS)

  • Project Type: – Research (Thematic: – Health and Well-Bing)
  • Collaborative Institute: – University of Calgary
  • Principal Investigator: – Prof. Delenasaw Yewhalaw
  • Co-Investigator: – Mr. Taye Teka
  • Co-Investigator: – Mr. Sintayewe Ejeta
  • Co-Investigator: – Mr. Deneke Zewdu
  • Background and Methodology of the Study: – 
  • Objective of The Study: –
  • Study Area and Study Site: –

“Can Gene Drive for malaria be safely and sustainably implemented in Africa “(Gene Drive)

  • Project Type: – Research (Thematic: – Health and Well-Bing)
  • Collaborative Institute: – IRSS
  • Principal Investigator: – Research (Thematic: – Health and Well-Bing)
  • Co-Investigator: – Dr. Eba Alemayew
  • Background and Methodology of the Study: –
  • Objective of The Study: –
  • Study Area and Study Site: –

“The role of Cuticular hydrocarbons in adaptions to changing climatic conditions and in sexual communication of anopheles’ mosquitoes” (NERC).

  • Project Type: – Research (Thematic: – Health and Well-Bing)
  • Collaborative Institute: – University of DURHAM
  • Co-Project Investigator: – Prof. Delenasaw Yewhalaw
  • Background and Methodology of The Study: –
  • Objective of The Study: –
  • Study Area and Study Site: –

“Assessment of the bio-efficacy and wash resistance of Olyset Plus long-lasting insecticidal net against pyrethroid-resistant populations of Anopheles arabiensis from Ethiopia” (Olyset). 

  • Project Type: – Research (Thematic: – Health and Well-Bing)
  • Collaborative Institute: – Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd
  • Principal Investigator: – Prof. Delenasaw Yewhalaw
  • Co-Investigator:- Dr. Endalew Zemene
  • Co-Investigator: – Dr. Teshome Degefa
  • Background and Methodology of the Study: –
  • Objective of The Study: –
  • Study Area and Study Site: –

“Evaluation of the Efficacy of Larvicide Formulations (SumiLarvTM @MR, Su-miLarvTM 0.5G & Abate 1SG) for the Control of an Invasive Mosquito Species, Anopheles stephensi Liston (Diptera: Culicidae) in Urban and Sub-Urban Areas of Ethiopia” (SumiLarv).

  • Project Type: – Research (Thematic: – Health and Well-Bing)
  • Collaborative Institute: – Sumitomo Chemical, Ltd.
  • Principal Investigator: – Delenasaw Yewhalaw
  • Co-Investigator: – Dr. Eba Alemayehu
  • Background and Methodology of the Study: –
  • Objective of The Study: –
  • Study Area and Study Site: –

 “New Indoor residual spray product known as “SumiShield 50WG” using experimental huts,”(SumiShield 50WG)”.

  • Project Type: – Research (Thematic: – Health and Well-Bing)
  • Collaborative Institute: – Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd
  • Principal Investigator: – Delenasaw Yewhalaw
  • Co-Investigator: – Mrs. Meberat Kiya
  • Co-Investigator: – Mr. Kassahun Zeleke
  • Background and Methodology of The Study: –
  • Objective of The Study: –
  • Study Area and Study Site: –

“Determination of the bioefficacy of four vector control products against the major malaria vector Anopheles arabiensis (Diptera: Culicidae) under laboratory and semi-field conditions in Ethiopia” Syngenta Crop Production Ag (ISO Cycloceram).

  • Project Type: – Research (Thematic: – Health and Well-Bing)
  • Collaborative Institute: – Syngenta Crop Protection B.V
  • Principal Investigator: – Delenasaw Yewhalaw
  • Co-Investigator: – Dr. Eba Alemayew
  • Background and Methodology of The Study: –
  • Objective of The Study: –
  • Study Area and Study Site: –

Completed Studies

Detection and treatment of malaria in pregnancy using LAMP(test) technology: A pragmatic randomized Multi-Center diagnostic outcomes trial

  • Project Type: – Research (Thematic: – Health and Well-Bing)
  • Collaborative Institute: – Sumitomo Chemical Co., Ltd
  • Principal Investigator: – Prof. Delenasaw Yewhalaw
  • Co-Investigator: – 
  • Background and Methodology of The Study: –
  • Objective of The Study: –
  • Study Area and Study Site: –

Upcoming Studies

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