Afan Oromo and Literature
Full Name: Teshome Belayneh (PhD)
Nationality: Ethiopian
Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
College/Institute: Social Science and Humanities
Department/Team: Afaan Oromoo and Literature
Field of Specialization: General Linguistics
Research interest: Areas of Descriptive Linguistics (Phonology, Morphology, Syntax and Semantics) and Areas Applied Linguistics (Language Teaching, Language Materials Development, Language Testing, and Language and Technology)
- Teshome Belayneh (2011) .The syntax of Verbal and Nominal clauses in Yem, online, www. (Monograph) Tariku Sime, Teshome Belayneh & Alemayehu Fekede. (2013). “Survey of research terms used in Afan Oromo: With special reference to thre Universities in Ethiopia.” Journal of Languages and Culture, 4 (7). pp.115-122.
- Eriste Akawak, Teshome Belayneh and Chimdi Wakuma. (2016).“Variations of Dialect Based Spelling and Words in Afan Oromo Composition: The Case of Students the Department of Afan Oromo and Literature, Published in proceedings of Jimma University annual research conference.
- Teshome Belayneh, Birhanu Deme and Chimdi Wakuma. (2017). “Afan Oromo Grammar focusing on the Morpho-syntactic Features of Lexical and Functional Categories” Published in proceedings of Jimma University Annual Research Conference.
- Tsahaay Baay’isaafi Tashoomaa Balaayinaa (202). Sakatta’a Ogummaa Seerlugaa Kitaaba Barattootaa Afaan Oromoo Kutaa 11ffaa” Gadaa Journal / Barruulee Gadaa,Vol.4,No1, P.80-97
- Ayehu Bacha , Teshome Belayneh and Kusa Gemeda (2018) : Euphemistic Expressions of Oromo: From Linguistics Perspectives” Jimma University, CSSH.