Afan Oromo and Literature
Title: Dr.
Full Name: Alemayehu Fekede Nigussa
Nationality: Ethiopian
Academic Rank: Assistant Professor
College/Institute: CSSH
Department/Team: Afaan Oromoo & Literature
Field of Specialization: Applied Linguistics & Communication
Research interest: Language Education, Language Curriculum, Sociolinguistics, Applied Linguistics and Indigenous Knowledge.
- Dabalaa Tamasgeen, Alamaayyoo Faqqadaafi Aliimaa Jibriil. (2024). Xiinxala Maqaalee Nama Dhuunfaa Oromoo Booranaa: Ija Xiinjecha Afaan Oromootiin. Gadaa Journal/ Barruulee Gadaa,vol. 7, No.1, pp. 105-120.
- Alemayehu Fekede, Dejene Gemechu, Ameyu Godesso, Firaol Tafese, Wario Wako and Boru Musa. (2024). Oromoo Concept of Peace: An Exploration of its Values and Guiding Mechanisms Gadaa Journal/ Barruulee Gadaa, vol. 7, No.1, pp. 136-152.
- Alemayehu Fekede, Chimdi Wakumab, Abera Degefa, Teshome Egere and Melkamu Dumessa (2023). Assessment of Policy Frameworks and Stakeholders’ Needs for Development of Afaan Oromoo. Gadaa Journal/ Barruulee Gadaa ,Vol. 6, No.2, pp. 64-78.
- Alemayehu Fekede & Wendowson Tesfaye. (2022). Linguistic Landscape Practice: The case of Language Status in Oromia, Ethiopia. Ethiop.j.soc.lang.stud, Pp. 97-115.
- Dabalaa Tamasgeen, Alamaayyoo Faqqadaa-fi Aliimaa Jibriil (2022). Xiinxala Hiika Maqaalee Nama Dhuunfaa Oromoo Booranaa Filatamanii. Journal of Universal Sciences and Technology. Volume 2, Number 1, pp. 39-49.
- Alemayehu Fekede & Wendowson Tesfaye. (2020). Multilingual Practices and Multiple Contestations in the Linguistic Landscape of Selected Towns in Oromia: A Geosemiotic Perspective. Macrolinguistics Vol.8 No.1, pp. 105-124.
- Alemayehu Fekede & Wendowson Tesfaye. (2019). Analysis of Linguistic Landscape of Selected Towns in Oromia: The Case of Policy and Practice Gap. Ethiop.j.soc.lang.stud. Vol. 6 No. 2. pp. 3-25.
- Qabbanaa Taaddasaafi Alamaayyoo Faqqadaa. (2019). Araara: Xiinxala Gahee Ogafaan Sirna Gumaa Lubbuu Namaa Hawaasa Biratti Qellem Wallaggaatiin Qabuu.Gadaa Journal/Barruulee Gadaa, Volume 2. No. 2. Pp. 66-88.
- Alemayehu Fekede & Takele Gemechu. (2016). An analysis of linguistic landscape of selected towns in Oromia: An ethno- linguistic vitality study. Journal of Languages and Culture (JLC) Vol.7(1), pp. 1-9.
- Alemayehu Fekede. 2010 (E.C). A Contextual Content Analysis of Oromo Nuptial Songs: The Case of Horroo Guduruu. Wiirtuu Jildii 12.
- Tariku Sime, Teshome Belayneh & Alemayehu Fekede. (2013). Survey of Research Terms Used in Afan Oromo by different Universities in Ethiopia. Journal of Languages and Culture (JLC) Vol.4 (7), pp. 115-122.