Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and Heritage Management
· generate researchers in the fields of History and Heritage Management/HiHM;
· produce history teachers in Educational institutions;
· create HiHM experts in different institutions at different levels;
· produce experts in the areas of intra and inter-ethnic and religious relations;
· engender guides, curators & managers in tourism & museum sectors.
Entry Requirements: as per the Ministry of Science and Higher Education criteria.
Duration of Study: 3 years
Graduate Profile
Graduates in History and Heritage Management (HiHM) are equipped with good knowledge and skills in the fields of history and cultural studies that enable them:
1. Undertake scientific research in historical, historiographical and cultural aspects;
2. Document Heritages of the peoples at local, national and regional levels;
3. Manage Heritages of the peoples at local, national and regional levels;
4. Provide consultancy services to governmental and non-governmental organizations and private enterprises on HiHM issues at local, nationa and regional levels;
5. Engage in the tourism and museum sectors as guides, curators, experts and managers;
6. Serve as HiHM experts in local, national, regional & international institutions;
7. Serve as experts in intra and inter-ethnic and intra and inter religious relations.
Graduation Requirements
While the legislative procedures and regulations are applied in the program, the minimum requirement for a student to graduate is a CGPA of 2.00.
Degree nomenclature: “Bachelor of Arts Degree in History and Heritage Management”
List and semester breakdown of courses
Module Name | Courses under the Modules | Course Code | ECTS | |
1 | A History of Ethiopia and the Horn to 1900/HiHM-1011 | A History of Ethiopia and the Horn to 1500 | HiHm1012 | 5 |
History of Ethiopia and the Horn, 1500-1800 | HiHm1013 | 5 | ||
History of Ethiopia and the Horn, 1800-1900 | HiHm1014 | 5 | ||
Introduction to History and Historiography | HiHm1011 | 5 | ||
2 | Major Themes in the History of Ethiopia and the Horn/ HiHM-1021 | Political History of Ethiopia and the Horn since 1900 | HiHm1024 | 5 |
Economic History of Ethiopia and the Horn since 1900 | HiHm1025 | 5 | ||
Socio-cultural History of Ethiopia & the Horn since 1900 | HiHm1026 | 3 | ||
Religion & religious processes in Ethiopia and the Horn | HiHm1022 | 3 | ||
Peoples, Polities and Cultures in Ethiopia and the Horn | HiHm1021 | 5 | ||
Ethiopia and Its Neighbours since 1820s | HiHm1027 | 3 | ||
History of Ethiopian Women | HiHm1023 | 3 | ||
3 | A History of Africa/HiHM-1031 | Early History of Africa to 1500 | HiHm2031 | 4 |
Africa and the Outside World, 1500-1850s | HiHm2032 | 4 | ||
Africa from Colonialism to Independence, 1850s-1960s | HiHm2033 | 5 | ||
Change & Continuity in History of Africa since 1960s | HiHm2034 | 4 | ||
History of the Nile Basin | HiHm2035 | 3 | ||
Major Issues in contemporary Africa | HiHm2036 | 5 | ||
Historical Research Methods I | 4 | |||
4 | Global History HiHM M-1041 | Ancient World to 1500 | HiHm2041 | 5 |
Survey of European history, 1500-1850s | HiHm2042 | 4 | ||
Survey of European History, 1850s-1945 | HiHm2043 | 4 | ||
Survey of Americas History, 1800-1945 | HiHm2044 | 3 | ||
Survey of Asian History, 1850-1945 | HiHm2045 | 3 | ||
Survey of Islamic World to 1920s | HiHm2046 | 3 | ||
The Middle East since 1920 | HiHm2047 | 3 | ||
Global Developments since 1945 | HiHm2048 | 4 | ||
Research Methods II | HiHm2049 | 3 | ||
5 | Heritage management HiHM-1051 | Introduction to Archaeology | HiHm3051 | 4 |
Archaeology of Ethiopia and the Horn | HiHm3052 | 5 | ||
Introduction to Heritage Conservation and Management | HiHm3053 | 4 | ||
Introduction to Tourism | HiHm3057 | 4 | ||
Introduction to Museology | HiHm3055 | 4 | ||
Heritage Conservation and Management in Ethiopia | HiHm3054 | 5 | ||
Records and Archival Management | HiHm3056 | 4 | ||
Tourism resources and Tourism Management in Ethiopia | HiHm3058 | 5 | ||
Introduction to Ethiopian Arts and Visual Culture | HiHm3059 | 4 | ||
Senior Research HiHM-1061 | Senior Essay | HiHm 3061 | 12 |
· Equip trainees with the knowledge, skills and dispositions required to become effective secondary school history teachers;
· Enable trainees to become reflective practitioners who are able to analyze, evaluate and act to improve practice and develop further professional knowledge and skills;
· Develop understanding of the nature of teacher professionalism, the responsibilities of teachers and the professional values and ethical practice expected of them;
· Create awareness that a central characteristic of teaching as a career is engagement in a lifelong process of professional learning and development;
· Develop trainees’ capacity to engage in research to inform and develop their practice;
· Institutionalize equity in the teaching force and reach underprivileged areas in the provision of quality secondary history education;
· Provide history teacher trainees with the theoretical and practical experience they need to achieve all the standards and competencies set by Ministry of Education.
Entry Requirements
A. The university entrance cut off point for teacher education is to be set by the MOE, or
B. Entrance examination ( using interview)
· To assess students’ readiness, predisposition and motivation;
· To assess students’ competence as well as language and communication skills;
· To assess any previous engagement with children or schools.
Duration of Study: 4 years
Graduate Profile
Graduates in History education are equipped with good knowledge and skills in the fields of history and cultural studies that enable them:
· Teach history at secondary schools;
· Undertake action research in history education;
· Document Heritages of the peoples at local, national and regional levels;
· Manage Heritages of the peoples at local, national and regional levels;
· Provide consultancy services to governmental and non-governmental organizations and private enterprises on History education at local, national, and regional levels;
· Serve as experts in areas of intra and inter-ethnic and religious relations.
Graduation Requirements
While the legislative procedures and regulations are applied in the teacher education program, the minimum requirement for a student to graduate is a CGPA of
Degree nomenclature: In English: Bachelor of Education in History, Minor (Civics and Ethical Education); Amharic: በታሪክትምህርትባችለርዲግሪ (ንኡስጥናት- በስነ-ዜጋናስነ-ምግባርትምህርት)
List and semester breakdown of courses
Year I | |||||||||||||||||||||||
No | Semester I | No | Semester II | ||||||||||||||||||||
Course Title | Code | Cr. Hr | Course Title | Code | Cr. | ||||||||||||||||||
1 | History of Ethiopia and the Horn to 1270 | Hist 111 | 3 | 1 | History of Ethiopia and the Horn, 1270-1527 | Hist 112 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||
2 | History and Historiography | Hist 141 | 3 | 2 | Ancient and Medieval World to 1500 | Hist 132 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||
3 | History of Africa to 1500 | Hist 121 | 3 | 3 | Political Philosophy | CEEd.112 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||
4 | Society, State and Government | CEEd.121 | 3 | 4 | Foundation of Education | TECS 112 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||
Year II | |||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | History of Ethiopia and the Horn, 1527-1855 | Hist 211 | 3 | 1 | History of Ethiopia and the Horn, 1855-1935 | Hist 212 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||
2 | Introduction to the Archaeology of Ethiopia and the Horn | Hist 241 | 2 | 2 | Early modern World, 1500-1850s | Hist 232 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||
3 | Constitution and Constitutional Development: Ethiopian Focus | CEEd.231 | 3 | 3 | Moral philosophy | CEEd.162 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||
4 | Africa and the Outside World,1500-1850s | Hist 221 | 3 | 4 | Political Geography | GeES 313 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | Educational Psychology | Psyc 221 | 3 | 5 | General Methods of Teaching | Tecs 212 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | Curriculum Studies | Tecs 211 | 3 | 6 | Instructional Design and Technology | Tecs 214 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | Inclusive Education | Incl 241 | 3 | 7 | Practicum I | Pract252 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||
Year III | |||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | History of Ethiopia and the Horn,1935-1991 | Hist 311 | 4 | 1 | Survey of Socio-cultural History of Ethiopia to 1990s | Hist342 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||
2 | Africa & Colonial Experience, 1850s-1960s | Hist 321 | 4 | 2 | World History, 1850s-1945 | Hist 332 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||
3 | Foundation of democracy and democratic system: Ethiopian Focus | CEEd.221 | 3 | 3 | Human rights and Humanitarian Assistance | CEEd.222 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||
4 | Subject Area Methods I (Major) | Hist 351 | 3 | 4 | Subject Area Methods II (Major) | Hist 352 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | Subject Area Methods (Minor) | CEEd.381 | 2 | 5 | Action Research | Tecs 314 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | Teaching in a Multicultural Setting | Tecs 311 | 2 | 6 | Practicum II | Prac 352 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | School and Society | Edpm 331 | 2 | 7 | Assessment and Evaluation of Learning | Psyc 322 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||
Year IV | |||||||||||||||||||||||
1 | History of Africa since 1960s | Hist 421 | 3 | 1 | Global developments since 1945 | Hist 432 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||
2 | Survey of the Middle East to 1990s | Hist 431 | 3 | 2 | Practicum III | Prac 452 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||
3 | Conflict management and Peace building | CEEd.331 | 3 | 3 | Federalism and Multi-Culturalism in Ethiopia | CEEd.432 | 3 | ||||||||||||||||
4 | International Relations and Ethiopian Foreign policy and diplomacy | CEEd.451 | 3 | 4 | Reflective Practice in Teaching | Tecs 312 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||
5 | Classroom English | EnLa 401 | 3 | 5 | Educational Organization and Management | Edpm 432 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||
6 | Hydro-Political History of Nile Basin | Hist 423 | 3 | 6 | Development Theories and Development Dynamics | CEEd.442 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||
7 | — | — | — | 7 | Action Research Project | Prac 454 | 2 | ||||||||||||||||
Master of Arts (MA) Degree in History
· produce capable teachers to teach history at undergraduate & post graduate levels;
· produce professionals equipped with essential skills in identify problems and conducting historical research;
· inspire research work on important areas like Gibe region in particular and southwest Ethiopia in general when there is a great diversity of peoples and cultures;
· train potential candidates who could undertake careers in historical organizations, museums, archival centres, tourist attraction centres and other public centers that need professional trainees in history and
· produce graduates who could make their own contribution in furthering the development.
Entry Requirements
o have BA/B-Ed degree in History, Geography and Environmental Studies, Political Sciences and International Relations, Law, Civic and Ethics and other similar disciplines and able to provide official documents to attest this;
o have minimum grade of C (Pass)in Senior Essay or Action Research paper upon the completion of BA/BEd;
o produce letter of sponsorship (for sponsored students);
o produce letters of recommendation ;
o pass entrance exam given by the department; and meet other requirements set by the department, JU or MoE (Ministry of Education) in due course.
Duration of Study: 2 years
Graduate Profile
The graduates accomplished their training from MA program inhistory are expected to have skills and abilities to carry out the following tasks:
· Collect, document, transcribe, investigate, categorize, analyze, interpret, digitize and preserve historical works;
· Create archival centres, libraries and museums for historical studies and work in them to provide relevant information;
· Conduct researches on historical issues; store results in various libraries, archives and museums; dispatch them to consumers and upload them on web pages;
· Producehistorical journals and distribute them to consumers;
· Communicate the investigation results through books, brochures, leaflets etc to mass audience and specialists in the various fields who live and work with the society;
· Contribute to teaching of history at schools and higher institutions among others;
· Take different social and political responsibilities at various levels
· Identify problems and take part in multi-disciplinary undertakings;
· Consult on background of any issue to learn from past experiences.
Graduation Requirements
· All trainees are expected to take a total of 33 credit hours including MA thesis and Development Team Training Program (DTTP);
· A minimum cumulative grade point average/CGPA of 3.00 and “satisfactory” thesis;
· There must be no “D and F” grades
Degree Nomenclature
The degree to be awarded to the graduates of the programme will be designated Master of Arts (MA) Degree in History; in Amharic: የአርትማስተርስድግሪበታሪክ
List and semester breakdown of courses Year I Semester I | ||
Course No | Course Title | Credit Hours |
Hist. 501 | Historical Methodology and Historiography | 4 |
Hist. 511 | Themes in the History of Ethiopia to the 19th century | 3 |
Hist. 521 | Themes in African History since 1960 | 3 |
Hist. 531 | Major Issues in the World History since 1945 | 3 |
Year I Semester II | ||
Hist.502 | Advanced Historical Research Methods and Writing | 2 |
Hist. 512 | Themes in the History of Ethiopia since the 19th century | 3 |
Hist. 514 | Peoples, Cultures & State Formation in Southwest Ethiopia | 3 |
Hist. 516 | History of Coffee Production, Processing & Marketing in Ethiopia | 3 |
Year II Semester I | ||
DTTP 701 | Developmental Team Training Program | 3 |
Hist. 742 | MA Thesis | – |
Year II Semester II | ||
Hist. 742 | MA Thesis | 6 |
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in History
· advance research on diverse themes of Ethiopian, African and world history;
· produce dynamic historians who would participate in various affairs like research, teaching, diplomacy, management, community development etc.
· produce professionals who could resolve manpower problem of the expanding higher education institutions;
· answer the questions posed by different stakeholders to train skilled manpower and
· contribute to the attainment of the university’s vision of excelling in Ethiopia, famous in Africa and well known in the world.
Entry Requirements
· MA degree from recognized higher institutions in History; History Education and Applied History. Applicants of other related disciplines like Social Anthropology, Political Science and International Relations, Civics and Ethical Education, Folklore, Archaeology, Philology, Ethiopian Studies, Heritages, Museums and Development Studies would be given bridge courses;
· CGPA of at least 3.0 and ‘’VERY GOOD’’ Grade and above in MA thesis upon graduation; publication of articles in reputable journals may compensate for the above grades, but MA thesis grade below GOOD is unacceptable;
· at least two recommendation letters from relevant authorities and academicians;
· a list of publications, especially peer reviewed ones to be submitted with curriculum vitae and synopsis (Statement of Purpose);
· more than two years academic service is preferable;
· department & JU staff and female applicants would be given priority in competition;
· letter or other certificate of sponsorship be produced;
· enrollment is regular; private applicants would be considered following MoE and University legislation;
· advisors or co-advisors could be checked out looking at the synopsis for admission;
· entrance exam could be given; and
· department, college, post-graduate school or university could add other admission criteria in case they find it necessary for quality and excellence of the program.
Duration of Study: 4years
Graduate Profile
Graduates of PhD program of JU are basically expected to be competent, versatile, pro-active researchers, who would conduct research at a higher level. They are also expected to be knowledgeable and skilful instructors at higher institutions in the country or anywhere in the world. Graduates are also expected to participate in social, economic, political and other affairs of the society constructively using the knowledge, experience, skill and exposure they acquire at the university in general and the department in particular. They could also work as self-employed researchers or as consultants or as diplomats and so on.
List and semester breakdown of courses
Year I Semester I
Course Title | Course Number/Code | Credit Hours |
Seminar on Advanced Historical Research Methods and Historiography | Hist.801 | 4 |
Social and Economic History of Ethiopia and the Horn during the Modern Times | Hist. 811 | 4 |
Year I Semester II
A History of Indigenous Knowledge, Cultures and Heritages | Hist.822 | 4 |
Africa and the Era of Globalization since 1991 | Hist.842 | 4 |
Year II Semester I
Historical Research Writing and Theory | Hist. 901 | 4 |
Seminar on the Middle East and the Horn of Africa in History | Hist. 931 | 4 |
Year II Semester II
PhD Dissertation | Hist. 944 | 12 |
Year III Semester I
PhD Dissertation | Hist. 944 | 12 |
Year III Semester II
PhD Dissertation | Hist. 944 | 12 |
Year IV Semester I
PhD Dissertation | Hist. 944 | 12 |
Year IV Semester II
PhD Dissertation | Hist. 944 | 12 |
Continuing & Distance: Bachelor
List and breakdown of courses
Summer I
Course No | Course Title | Credit |
HIST 201/101 | Ethiopia and the Horn to c. 1500 | 3 |
HIST 211/111 | The Ancient World | 3 |
HIST 221/121 | The Early History of Africa to 1500 | 3 |
HIST 251/151 | Introduction to History and Historiography | 3 |
Summer II
HIST 202/102 | Ethiopian and the Horn from c. 1500-1800 | 3 |
HIST 212/112 | Survey of European History c. 1500- 1850 | 3 |
HIST 222/122 | Africa and the Outside World 1500- c.1850 | 3 |
HIST 252/152 | Historical Research Methods I | 3 |
HIST 342/272 | Religions and Religious Processes in Ethiopia and the Horn | 3 |
Summer III
HIST 301/201 | History of Ethiopia and the Horn 1800-1900 | 3 |
HIST 311/211 | Survey of European History c. 1850-1945 | 3 |
HIST 352 | Historical Research Methods II | 3 |
HIST 302/301 | Peoples, Polities and Cultures in Ethiopian History | 3 |
HIST 441 | Diasporas of Africa in History | 2 |
Summer IV
HIST 322 | Africa from Colonialism to Independence 1945-1975 | 3 |
HIST 332/401 | Political History of Ethiopia and the Horn since 1900 | 3 |
HIST 451 | Historical Research and Writing Practice I | 3 |
HIST 412/312 | Global Developments since 1945 | 3 |
HIST 432/322 | Environment and Society in Africa | 2 |
HIST 431/302 | History of Ethiopian Women | 2 |
Summer V
HIST 452/362 | Historical Research and Writing Practice II | 3 |
HIST 442 | Major Themes in the History of Modern Ethiopia | 3 |
HIST 341/242 | History of the Middle East since the 1920s | 3 |
Course Breakdown for Distance Courses
Winter I
HIST 242/241 | Survey of the Islamic World to the 1920s | 3 |
HIST 351/271 | Introduction to Ethiopian Arts | 2 |
HIST 472 | Introduction to Heritage Management | 2 |
HIST 461/421 | History of the Nile Basin | 2 |
Winter II
HIST 321/221 | Africa and the Colonial Experience c. 1850 – c.1945 | 3 |
HIST 331 | Ethiopia and its Neighbours 1820 to the Present | 3 |
HIST 361 | Introduction to Archaeology of Ethiopia and the Horn | 2 |
Winter III
HIST 401/402 | Economic History of Ethiopia and the Horn since 1900 | 3 |
HIST 421 | Continuity and Change in Contemporary Africa, 1975 to Present | 3 |
HIST 312/331 | History of the Americas c. 1800-1945 | 3 |
Winter IV
HIST 411/311 | Survey of Asian History, 1850-1945 | 3 |
HIST 422/321 | Urban Processes in Africa Since the 19th Century | 3 |
HIST 402/202 | Socio-Cultural History of Ethiopia and the Horn Since 1900 | 3 |
Master of Arts in History for Summer Government Sponsor
The objective of the Summer MA Program in History is to train qualified history teachers for the Ethiopian Preparatory schools. In particular it seeks to produce preparatory school teachers who have necessary depth of knowledge in areas of Ethiopian, African and World histories and teach these to the preparatory level students with ease. It also aims to create professionals who are equipped with skills and techniques of carrying out historical research.
Entry Requirements
Applicants to the program are required to have
· BA/ BEd degree in History
· Meet requirements set by MoE and the graduate school of respective universities
· Pass entrance exam set by the department
Duration of Study: 4 years
Graduate Profile
Graduates are expected to be competent teachers who have the requisite depth of knowledge and effective skills to convey them to preparatory level students. The graduates could also undertake various kinds of research that contribute in valorisation of cultures and traditions.
Graduation Requirements
All candidates are expected to take a total of 36 credit hours and a minimum CGPA of 3:00 and the MA thesis need to be judged at least “satisfactory’’ by a board of examiners. Moreover, the candidate should fulfil additional requirements set by the Senate Legislations of respective universities.
Degree Nomenclature
The degree to be awarded to the graduates of the programme will be designated Master of Arts Degree in History
List and breakdown of courses
Summer I
S. No | Course Number | Course Title | Credit hours |
1 | Hist. 501 | Historical Method and Theory | 4 |
2 | Hist. 511 | Themes in History of Ethiopia and the Horn to 1800 | 3 |
3 | Hist. 521 | Patterns and Processes in African History to 1850s | 3 |
Summer II
1 | Hist. 502 | Historical Research and Writing | 2 |
2 | Hist. 512 | Themes in History of Ethiopia and the Horn Since 1800 | 3 |
3 | Hist. 522 | Patterns and Processes in African History since 1850s | 3 |
4 | Hist. 531 | Issues in World History to 1750 | 4 |
Summer III
1 | Hist. 532 | Issues in World History since 1750 | 4 |
2 | HiEd.641 | Advanced Teaching Methods in History | 4 |
3 | Hist. 601 | MA Thesis | 6 |
Summer IV
1 | Hist. 601 | MA Thesis* | —— |
History and Heritage Management |