The Department of Anesthesiology, Critical Care and Pain Medicine will be responsible for the management of the program. There is a Department Graduate Committee which is chaired by a residency program director for the graduate programs. The residency program director will be responsible for management and coordination of educational issues like academic schedules and rotations, assigning instructors, managing examinations, listening to residents’ complaints, or disciplinary issues or other related issues in accordance with the legislation of the institute.
Residents will rotate to different departments and come with educational assessments which will be compiled by the residency program director. The scores will be utilized as part of progressive assessments. When guest lecturers are involved in training, they will give feedback to the coordinator, while the program ownership is that of the School.
Activity at affiliated sites will be coordinated by the residency program coordinator. Every resident should have an education supervisor who reviews the educational progress of the trainee and checks logbooks.
The program quality improvement, monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activity will be conducted as part of the institutional activity. universities should establish and/or strengthen a Health Sciences Education Development Center (HSEDC) to lead and coordinate quality assurance and program M&E. Quality assurance will be guided by educational standards and benchmarks defined by the World Federation of Medical Education and the Higher Education Relevance and Quality Agency (HERQA). The ongoing quality of the medical education will be monitored and ensured through the following:
- Establishment of a curriculum committee under the HSEDC to oversee the implementation of the curriculum, develop standard guidelines for teaching and assessment, and make necessary adjustments along the way.
- Self-review of the educational inputs, processes, and outputs (including human resources, physical infrastructure, teaching/learning processes in classroom, skills lab, clinical and community settings, student assessments and results of performance assessments, management and governance) semi-annually and taking consequent action. This will be coordinated by the quality assurance committee or team under the HSEDC.
- Organizing regular faculty development and support programs on instructional methods, technical updates, research, leadership, etc. This will be coordinated by the faculty development committee or team under the HSEDC.
- Establishment of an assessment committee or team under the HSEDC to develop and maintain exam banks and coordinate, review, and administer student assessment practices.
- Evaluation of teaching/learning effectiveness by systematic collection of feedback from students midway and at the end of each module or attachment and utilization of this data for program improvement.
- Evaluation of peers and modules/rotations by instructors at the end of module delivery.
- Annual assessment of the program by the teaching staff.
- Exit interviews at graduation and for all those who dropout for any reason.
- Monitoring students’ pass rate in national qualification (pre-licensure) exam and comparing it with other medical schools.
- Establishing alumni of graduates as a mechanism to assess their career choice and development.
- Evaluation of graduates’ performance including obtaining feedback from employers and society and use the information for program improvement.
- Review of curriculum every six years to be led by the curriculum committee under the HSEDC.
There are 26 modules in this program. The first year modules are a prerequisite for all other clinical modules in the consecutive two years. Some modules are shorter and given once, some are delivered repeatedly in different years (Thoracic, Neuro-Anesthesia, and Critical Care will be given in year II and III). The modules delivered in different years deal with competencies in different depth and with repeated exposures, the trainee will eventually master these skills. Research will be given longitudinally starting from the second year and completing in the end of the third year.
YEAR I MODULES (11 Months)
S.N | Module/course Code | Module/Course name | Duration | ECTS | Module category |
1 | ACP7013 | Applied physiology & pharmacology | 2 months | 14 | Core |
2 | ACP7023 | Introduction to anesthesia ,basic physics and equipment | 4 months | 28 | Core |
3 | ACP7033 | Applied anatomy, regional anesthesia, and pain management | 2 months | 14 | Core |
4 | ACP7043 | Introduction to CC and SICU practice – I | 2 months | 14 | Core |
5 | ACP7052 | Non-Technical (Cognitive) skill | 1 month (Parallel) | 3 | Supportive |
6 | ACP7062 | Medical ethics | 4 | Supportive | |
Total | 11 months | 77 |
S.N | Module/course code | Module/Course name | Duration | ECTS | Module category |
1 | ACP8071 | Emergency medicine | 1 month | 7 | General |
2 | ACP8083 | Emergency and trauma anesthesia | 1 month | 7 | Core |
3 | ACP8093 | Cardio thoracic –I | 2 months | 14 | Core |
4 | ACP8103 | Neuro anesthesia –I | 1 month | 7 | Core |
5 | ACP8113 | Surgical critical care –I | 1 month | 7 | Core |
6 | ACP8123 | Medical critical care –I | 1 month | 7 | Core |
7 | ACP8133 | Pediatrics and neonatal anesthesia – I | 1 month | 7 | Core |
8 | ACP8143 | Pediatrics critical care – I | 1 month | 7 | Core |
9 | ACP8153 | Obstetrics anesthesia and analgesia – I | 1 month | 7 | Core |
10 | ACP8161 | Radiology | 1 month | 7 | General |
11 | PH 8171 | Research methodology and Epidemiology | 1 month | 7 | General |
12 | ACP8183 | Outreach, ophthalmology and ENT | 2 months | 14 | Core |
Total | 14 months | 98 |
S.N | Module/course code | Module | Duration | ECTS | Module category |
1 | ACP 9193 | Cardio thoracic – II | 1 month | 7 | Core |
2 | ACP9203 | Neuro anesthesia – II | 1 month | 7 | Core |
3 | ACP9213 | Surgical critical care – II | 2 months | 14 | Core |
4 | ACP9223 | Medical critical care – II | 1 month | 7 | Core |
5 | ACP9233 | Pediatrics and neonatal anesthesia – II | 1 month | 7 | Core |
6 | ACP9243 | Pediatrics critical care – II | 1 month | 7 | Core |
7 | ACP9253 | Obstetrics anesthesia and analgesia – II | 1 month | 7 | Core |
8 | ACP9263 | Acute and chronic pain management | 1 month | 7 | Core |
9 | PH 9172 | Research methods and epidemiology | 1 month | 7 | Supportive |
10 | Final qualifying exam | 1 month | 7 | ||
Total | 11 months | 77 |