The generic BSc Environmental Health training program will have the following major objectives:
- To train Environmental Health professionals who can actively involve in designing environmental health policy, legislation, standards and guidelines related to environmental health disciplines.
- To train Environmental Health professionals who are cable of developing and executing appropriate low cost environmental health technologies for communities.
- To produce competent Environmental Health professionals that will be engaged in teaching environmental health sciences and technologies in health training schools and other settings.
- To train Environmental Health professionalswho are capable of planning, organizing coordinating, monitoring and evaluating environmental health services and programs in the country.
- To train with adequate insight the professionals on aspects of applied research so that many of the rudimentary environmental related health problems will have practical solutions.
- To train professionals capable of responding to current and potential global environmental health concerns.
- To train professionals with insights and capabilities of linking environmental problems to health and well-being issues.
- Meet entrance criteria set by Federal Ministry of Higher Education (MoSHE).
- Preferably candidates from natural sciences background
The duration of the course leading to BSc Degree in Environmental Health Science shall be FOUR years after preparatory.
- Serve as an Environmental Health Officer at the health service and other relevant institutions.
- Coordinate promotive, preventive and disease controlling programs at various levels of health care services and other relevant health institutions.
- Play a role in outbreak investigation and control of diseases with other health professionals at all levels.
- Participate in policy development and planning in environmental health issues at the national and regional level.
- Monitor and evaluate environmental health activities and services at the national, regional, zonal and woreda levels
- Taking environmental sample, analyze, interpret and implement interventions.
- Run promotive and preventive measures to safeguard the health of the workers in different working setup such as industries, enterprises, firms, institutions etc.
- Offer Training and carryout research activities in Environmental Health and Health related areas
- Inspect public service providing institutions, establishments, industries and residential areas, etc, in order to ensure public health.
- Involve Environmental risks and impacts assessment and design intervention.
- Participate in development of standards and guidelines for health and environment.
- Serve as quarantine and hygiene officer in ports and international boundaries.
- Work on Environmental Protection issues.
- Manage/Monitor/Coordinate in vector control activities
- Participate actively in the management of health service delivery system.
- Undertake quality control activities (food stuffs, beverages, etc)
- Participate in disaster/emergency management situations
- Advice in Environmental Health related issues.
- Must have completed all courses of the program
- CGPA of at least 2.00
- No ‘F’ grade in any of the courses taken
- Pass Qualifying Examinations with minimum of 60% in each:
– At least 42/70 marks (internal (70%) and
– At least 18/30 marks (external (30%) graded as P/F
The degree offered to the graduate
in English “Bachelor of Science in Environmental Health” and in Amharic “አካባቢ ጤና አጠባበቅ ሳይንስ ዲግሪ“
S/N | Course Title | Course Code | ECTS |
Communicative English skill | Enla1011 | 5 | |
Basic writing skill | Enla1012 | 5 | |
Applied mathematics* | Math1021 | 5 | |
Information and communication technology | Comp1031 | 5 | |
Civics and Ethical education | Cvet1041 | 5 | |
Introduction to Psychology | Psyc1051 | 3 | |
Introduction to Sociology | Soci1061 | 3 | |
Organic Chemistry | Chem1071 | 5 | |
Analytical Chemistry | Chem1072 | 5 | |
Human Anatomy | Huan1081 | 3 | |
Human Physiology | Huan1082 | 4 | |
Biochemistry | Bioc1083 | 3 | |
Medical microbiology | Mbio1084 | 3 | |
Medical parasitology | Mbio1085 | 3 | |
Introduction to Public Health | Envh1091 | 2 | |
Communicable Disease Control | Comh1092 | 5 | |
Medical Entomology and Vector control | Envh1093 | 7 | |
Health Education And Promotion | Comh1094 | 4 | |
Community Nutrition | Comh1095 | 5 | |
Biostatistics | Comh2101 | 5 | |
Epidemiology | Comh2102 | 5 | |
Research Methods | Comh2103 | 3 | |
Surveying and mapping | Envh2111 | 3 | |
Introduction to GIS and remote sensing | Envh2112 | 3 | |
Applied Engineering Drawing | Envh2113 | 4 | |
Sanitary Construction | Envh2114 | 5 | |
Residential and institutional health | Envh2115 | 5 | |
CBTP I | Envh2121 | 5 | |
CBTP II | Envh2122 | 5 | |
Water Supply | Envh3131 | 5 | |
Water quality management | Envh3132 | 5 | |
Onsite sanitation | Envh3133 | 3 | |
Waste water management and engineering | Envh3134 | 7 | |
Environmental biological analysis | Envh3141 | 5 | |
Environmental Physico-chemical analysis | Envh3142 | 5 | |
Environmental Chemistry | Envh3151 | 2 | |
Air pollution | Envh3152 | 5 | |
Ecology and Environment | Envh3161 | 5 | |
Food microbiology | Envh3171 | 3 | |
Food Protection and Safety | Envh3172 | 5 | |
Solid Waste Management | Envh3181 | 5 | |
Hazardous Waste Management | Envh3182 | 2 | |
Occupational health and safety | Envh4191 | 5 | |
Health Service Management and planning | Comh4201 | 5 | |
Health economics | Comh4202 | 2 | |
Monitoring and evaluation | Comh4203 | 2 | |
Health informatics | Comh4204 | 2 | |
Environmental Toxicology | Envh4211 | 5 | |
Disaster Prevention and Management | Envh4212 | 2 | |
First Aid and accident prevention | Envh4213 | 2 | |
Environmental impact assessment | Envh4214 | 3 | |
Environmental epidemiology | Envh4215 | 3 | |
Environmental Economics | Envh4221 | 2 | |
Environmental Health professional Ethics | Envh4222 | 2 | |
Environmental health law | Envh4223 | 2 | |
Project development and management | Envh4231 | 3 | |
Professional Practice I | Envh4232 | 3 | |
Professional Practice II | Envh4233 | 5 | |
Research project | Envh4234 | 5 | |
TTP | Envh4235 | 7 | |
CBTP III | Envh3241 | 5 | |
Total ECTS | 245 |
Year I, Semester I | ||||
Module code | Module name | Course Code | Course Title | ECTS |
Enla1013 | Module 1: English Language Skill | Enla1012 | Basic writing skill | 5 |
Math1023 | Module 2: Mathematics | Math1022 | Applied Mathematics II* | 5 |
Chem1073 | Module 7: Chemistry | Chem1072 | Analytical Chemistry | 5 |
Bmml1082 | Module 8: Biomedical Science | Huan1081 | Human Anatomy | 3 |
Huan1082 | Human Physiology | 4 | ||
Bioc1083 | Biochemistry | 3 | ||
Mbio1084 | Medical microbiology | 3 | ||
Mbio1085 | Medical parasitology | 3 | ||
Ench1091 | Module 9 : Health promotion and disease control | Envh1091 | Introduction to Public Health | 2 |
Total ECTS | 33 |
Year I; Semester II | ||||
Module code | Module name | Course Code | Course Title | ECTS |
Enla1013 | Module 1: English Language Skill | Enla1011 | Communicative English | 5 |
Math1023 | Module 2: Mathematics | Math1021 | Applied Mathematics* | 5 |
Comp1033 | Module 3: Information and Communication Technology | Chem1031 | Information and Communication Technology | 5 |
Cvet1043 | Module 4: Civics and Ethical education | Cvet1041 | Civics & Ethics | 5 |
Psyc1053 | Module 5: Psychology | Psyc1051 | Introduction to Psychology | 3 |
Soci1063 | Module 6: Sociology | Soci1061 | Introduction to sociology | 3 |
Chem1073 | Module 7: Chemistry | Chem1071 | Organic Chemistry | 5 |
Total ECTS | 31 |
Year II, Semester I | ||||
Module code | Module name | Course Code | Course Title | ECTS |
Ench1091 | Module 9 : Health promotion and disease control | Comh1092 | Communicable Disease Control | 5 |
Envh1093 | Medical Entomology and Vector control | 7 | ||
Comh1094 | Health Education And Promotion | 4 | ||
Comh1095 | Community Nutrition | 5 | ||
Comh2102 | Module 10 : Health system research | Comh2101 | Biostatistics | 5 |
Comh2102 | Epidemiology | 5 | ||
Total ECTS | 31 |
Year II, Semester II | ||||
Module code | Module name | Course Code | Course Title | ECTS |
Comh2102 | Module 10 : Health system research | Comh2103 | Research Methods | 3 |
Envh2113 | Module 11: Introductory Environmental Engineering | Envh2111 | Surveying and mapping | 3 |
Envh2112 | Introduction to GIS and remote sensing | 3 | ||
Envh2113 | Applied Engineering Drawing | 4 | ||
Envh2114 | Sanitary Construction | 5 | ||
Envh2115 | Residential and institutional health | 5 | ||
Envh2121 | Module 12 : Community Based Education | Envh2121 | CBTP I | 5 |
Envh2122 | CBTP II | 5 | ||
Total ECTS | 33 |
Year III, Semester I | ||||
Module code | Module name | Course Code | Course Title | ECTS |
Envh3131 | Module 13: Water and wastewater management | Envh3131 | Water Supply | 5 |
Envh3132 | Water quality management | 5 | ||
Envh3133 | Onsite sanitation | 3 | ||
Envh3134 | Waste water management and engineering | 7 | ||
Envh3141 | Module 14: Environmental Quality analysis | Envh3141 | Environmental biological analysis | 5 |
Envh3142 | Environmental Physico-chemical analysis | 5 | ||
Envh3151 | Module 15: Air pollution control | Envh3151 | Environmental Chemistry | 2 |
Total ECTS | 32 |
Year III, Semester II | ||||
Module code | Module name | Course Code | Course Title | ECTS |
Envh3151 | Module 15: Air pollution control | Envh3152 | Air pollution | 5 |
Envh3161 | Module 16: Ecology and Environmental | Envh3161 | Ecology and Environment | 5 |
Envh3171 | Module 17: Food Protection | Envh3171 | Food microbiology | 3 |
Envh3172 | Food Protection and Safety | 5 | ||
Envh3181 | Module 18: Solid and hazardous waste management | Envh3181 | Solid Waste Management | 5 |
Envh3182 | Hazardous Waste Management | 2 | ||
Envh3241 | Community Based Education II* | Envh3241 | CBTP III* | 5 |
Total ECTS | 30 |
Year IV, Semester I | ||||
Module code | Module name | Course Code | Course Title | ECTS |
Envh4191 | Module 19: Occupational health and safety | Envh4191 | Occupational health and safety | 5 |
Comh4202 | Module 20: Health service management | Comh4201 | Health Service Management and planning | 5 |
Comh4202 | Health economics | 2 | ||
Comh4203 | Monitoring and evaluation | 2 | ||
Comh4204 | Health informatics | 2 | ||
Envh4211 | Module 21: Environmental impact assessment and risk management | Envh4211 | Environmental Toxicology | 5 |
Envh4212 | Disaster Prevention and Management | 2 | ||
Envh4213 | First Aid and accident prevention | 2 | ||
Envh4214 | Environmental impact assessment | 3 | ||
Envh4215 | Environmental epidemiology | 3 | ||
Total ECTS | 31 |
Year IV, Semester II | ||||
Module code | Module name | Course Code | Course Title | ECTS |
Envh4221 | Module 22: Environmental health policy and economics | Envh4221 | Environmental Economics | 2 |
Envh4222 | Environmental Health professional Ethics | 2 | ||
Envh4223 | Environmental health law | 2 | ||
Envh4231 | Module 23: Environmental health practice and research | Envh4231 | Project development and management | 3 |
Envh4232 | Professional Practice I | 3 | ||
Envh4233 | Professional Practice II | 5 | ||
Envh4234 | Research project | 5 | ||
Envh4235 | TTP | 7 | ||
Total ECTS | 29 |