Mode of Delivery

Mode of Delivery

The practice-oriented and case based delivery approach enables you to apply the newly gained knowledge and skills directly to the daily practice of your organization. Actual business operations are the issues discussed and projects throughout the program. For the final project, you will work towards solving a problem your company is facing by integrating all the knowledge you gained in your study. Your participation in the program equips you with the key problem-solving capabilities your company needs to prosper.


The program blends agricultural skills with business management. Hence, the EMBA offers you an immense competitive advantage on professionals that separately mastered skills in the aforementioned areas. These skills and new knowledge are brought to you by a mix of international and local professors and practitioners.

Flexible Practice-Oriented Modular Design

The EMBA follows an on-location intensive modular teaching delivery where courses are conducted on Friday afternoons and evenings, and weekends. Hence, it enables you to balance the pressures of work with study. It combines face to face teaching in Addis Ababa with e-learning at any place and time of convenience for the participants. Successful business people with tested real life business experiences will coach and mentor you.

The EMBA balances theoretical discussions with practical exposures. The program addresses a diversity of management topics substantiated by Ethiopian agribusiness cases directly linked with practical business operations.