- Validation of serological assays for the diagnosis of soil-transmitted helminths (Daniel Dana, PhD candidate; Special Research Fund, Ghent University)
- Monitoring the drug resistance emergence of soil-transmitted helminths (Mio Ayana, PhD candidate; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation)
- Understanding the epidemiology of soil-transmitted helminths (PhD project under NETWORK)
- Validation of serological assays for onchocerciasis (Johnson & Johnson)
- Hookworm infection and Strongyloidiasis study
- Schistosoma & soil-transmitted helminths co-infections and interaction studies
- Low- cost point of care diagnosis of Cryptosporidium infection in resource limited settings (LED Microscopy for Cryptosporidium testing, Crypto-POC study): Sponsored by University of Bergen, Norway
- Surveillance and control of priority Zoonotic disease (Anthrax and Brucellosis) in selected Zones of South western Oromia, Ethiopia. In collaboration with veterinary Medicine, Jimma University: sponsored by Global Health Security –Center for Disease Control (CDC)
- Assessment of genetic diversity of Cryptosporidium both in human and animal in Jimma Town and its environs, Southwest Ethiopia: sponsored by Howard University
Overall, currently 5 PhD candidates are attached to the center for their PhD work
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