BA Degree in Accounting and Finance (Regular, Evening and Distance)

Programme name: BA in Accounting & Finance
Programme type: undergraduate
Mode of delivery:  Classroom and community-based
Duration: 3 years for regular, 4 years for extension and distance and 5 years for summer programs

Graduation Requirements           

To graduate from the program the student should take all courses offered in the program, a total of 180 EtCTS for regular and 170 EtCTS for evening and earn a Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 2.00 or better by the end of the program, and earn no ‘F’ grade in any course. The student is also required to have a cumulative grade-point average of at least 2.00 in all major courses by the end the program.

1.1.           Degree Nomenclature

BA Degree in Accounting and Finance and the Amharic version is: የአርት ባችለር ዲግሪ በአካውንቲንግ እና ፋይናንስ

1.2.           Medium of Instruction

The medium of instruction for the program is English Language

(2)  Program Objectives

2.1.           General Objectives of the program

The program of Accounting and Finance plans to meet the University’s mission of instilling into present and future-leaders knowledge of current and future accounting, auditing and finance practices and relevant skills through student–centered high quality, viable programs which are fully recognized internationally and by both the private and public institutions in Ethiopia. Hence, the Department seeks to sustain its growth and relevance through:

  • A highly educated and motivated faculty Viable programs which have local relevance and fully recognized internationally.
  • Relevant curriculum leading to an exceptional learning environment with full access to new technologies and computer-mediated learning
  • An abundant level of intellectual capital created through scholarly activities
  • Research that meets the needs of the local and international business and academic communities;
  • A fully integrated international perspective
  • A full understanding of employer needs obtained through constant monitoring of the business environment through linkage program

2.2.           Specific Objectives of the program

The program of Accounting and Finance has the following specific objectives:

  • To produce graduates in its regular degree program to satisfy a portion of the demand for accounting and finance graduates.
  • To enhance the relevance and timeliness of instruction, as well as the technical competency of the staff, by conducting applied research and developing innovative educational materials and techniques.
  • To provide students with sufficient academic, technical, logical, analytical, and professional base from which to pursue a career in accounting and finance and to advance to further study and a potential academic career in accounting and finance
  • To be a major provider of consultancy services to the public
  • To put 80% of its second year complete and third year complete students into internship programs in which students gain practical experience
  • To establish linkage programs with different stakeholders from which the program will be able to tap resources and share experiences

(3)  Graduate Profile and Professional Profile

3.1.           Graduate Profile

Upon graduate from the program, the graduate from BA degree in Accounting and Finance should have accounting and finance knowledge and understanding that enable them to:

  • Prepare, analyze, and interpret financial statements competently;
  • Audit financial statements and the underlying accounting systems, controls and records, and express an independent professional opinion about them;
  • Identify, measure, gather, analyze, interpret and communicate cost and other types of information to management for planning, control, performance measurement, and decision making related to pricing, operating, investing, and financing activities;
  • Identify and anticipate control risks both in manual and computerized accounting systems, and to suggest and establish better controls to safeguard business resources from risk exposures of illegal acts;
  • Analyze and design accounting information systems, and use computer applications in business transaction cycles;
  • Develop the specific skills, modes of analysis and institutional background useful to work in finance areas for profit-making businesses or not-for-profit enterprises
  • Start and run their own business;
  • Manage financial resource and risk exposures of business firms, manage financial institutions, analyze investment opportunities and execute professional services  in  investment institutions,   brokerage & dealer firms and in investment banks;
  • To conduct accounting and finance related research and to form linkage with various accounting and finance oriented and research based institutions both locally and abroad.
  • Work clerical activities like, keeping general accounts, records and reports; payroll processing and billings.
  • Prepare tax return and perform tax plan
  • Internalize an appreciation for the role of ethics in both the profession and the business world.
  • Be prepared for graduate studies, professional certification and advanced trainings in accounting, auditing, finance, and management

3.2.           Professional Profile

With additional training and work experience, the graduates of the program can pursue careers and render professional services in the areas of accounting and finance in various forms of organizations ranging from private, governmental and non-profit entities. After successful compilation of the three years undergraduate program of accounting and finance, students will be able to be:-

  • Accounting clerks: Keeping general accounts, records and reports; payroll processing and billings; Perform cost and managerial accounting and control, data generation and supervisions; Disbursement voucher process and control; and bank reconciliation and banking activities;
  • Cost analysts: keep accounts of product costing and provide other relevant cost information
  • Auditor both internal and external: Work as an assistance auditor (both internal and external ); Pre-audit inspection and investigation; Operational audit, partial financial audit, cash audit, compliance audit, branch audit, interim reports audit, advance clearance;
  • Tax specialists- prepare tax return, work as internal revenue agents and tax administrator.
  • Information system designer and manipulator-Generating information which is of financial and non-financial in nature necessary for management; and analyzing, designing and installing accounting systems (manual or computerized).
  • Financial management –running revenue and expenditure management  capital investment decisions; risk and insurance management  and budgeting
  • Financial analyst: financial planner, investment advisor, project coordinator; rendering financial consultancy services.

List of Modules and Courses

Summary of Modules

Module Type Total Credit Hours Total CP Total Work Load in Hours
Major Modules     78 123 2,106
Supportive Modules 23 37 621
Foundation Modules 12 20 324
   Total 113 180 3,051

Course Break Down

Year I Courses

Course Title Cr. Hrs EtCTS Module Code Course Code Mode Delivery
YEAR I, SEM I          
Principles of Accounting I 4 6 AcFn-M1031 AcFn1031 Semester Based
Introduction to Management 3 5 Mgmt-M1052 Mgmt1051 Semi-Blocked
Mathematics for finance 4 6 AcFn-M1041 AcFn1041 Semester Based
Introduction to  Psychology 3 5 Psyc-M1063 Psyc1061 Semi-Blocked
Communicative English Skills 3 5 EnLa-M1013  EnLa1011 Semester Based
Fundamentals of Information System 2 3 AcFn-M1041 AcFn1042 Semester Based
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YEAR I, SEM II          
Principles of Accounting II 4 6 AcFn-M1032 AcFn1032 Semester Based
Statistics for finance 4 6 AcFn-M1041 AcFn1043 Semester Based
Principles of Marketing 2 3 Mgmt-M1052 Mgmt1052 Semi- Based
Microeconomics 4 6 Econ-M1072 Econ1071 Semester Based
Basic Writing Skills 3 5 EnLa-M1013 EnLa1012 Semester Based
Civics and Ethical Education 3 5 CvEt-M1023 CvEt1021 Semi-Blocked
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Year II Courses

Course Title Cr. Hrs EtCTS Module Code Course Code Mode Delivery
YEAR II, SEM I          
Financial Accounting I 4 6 AcFn-M2081 AcFn2081 Semester Based
Cost and Management Accounting I 3 5 AcFn-M2091 AcFn2091 Semester Based
Risk Management and Insurance 3 5 AcFn-M2111 AcFn2111 Semester Based
Financial Management I 3 5 AcFn-M2101 AcFn2101 Semester Based
Macroeconomics 3 5 Econ-M1072 Econ2072 Semi- Block
Financial Institutions and Markets 2 3 AcFn-M2111 AcFn2112 Semi-Block
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YEAR II, SEM II          
Financial Accounting II 4 6 AcFn-M2081 AcFn2082 Semester Based
Cost and Management Accounting II 3 5 AcFn-M2092 AcFn2092 Semester Based
Financial Management II 3 5 AcFn-M2101 AcFn2102 Semester Based
Banking Principles and Practices 2 3 AcFn-M2111 AcFn2113 Semi-Block
Government and Non-profit Accounting 2 3 AcFn-M2121 AcFn2121 Semester Based
Research Methods in Accounting & Finance 3 5 AcFn-M2131 AcFn2131 Semester Based
Entrepreneurship 2 3 Mgmt –M2142 Mgmt 2141 Semi-Block
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Year III Courses

Course Title Cr. Hrs EtCTS Module Code Course Code Mode Delivery
YEAR III SEM I          
Advanced Financial Accounting 4 6 AcFn-M3151 AcFn3151 Semester Based
Auditing Principles and Practices I 3 5 AcFn-M3161 AcFn3161 Semester Based
Ethiopian Government  Accounting 2 3 AcFn-M2121 AcFn3122 Semester Based
Accounting Information Systems 3 5 AcFn-M3181 AcFn3181 Semester Based
Strategic Management 3 5 Mgmt-M2141 


Mgmt3142 Semester Based
Senior Research Project I 1 2 AcFn-M3221 AcFn3221 Semester Based
Public Finance & Taxation 3 5 AcFn-M3171 AcFn3171 Semester Based
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YEAR III SEM II          
Operations Management 3 5 Mgmt-M3192 Mgmt3191 Semester Based
Business Law 3 5 Law-M3202 Law3201 Semi-Block
Auditing Principles and Practices II 3 5 AcFn-M3161 AcFn3162 Semi-Block
Project  Analysis & Evaluation 3 5 AcFn-M3201 AcFn3202 Semester Based
Senior Research Project II 2 3 AcFn-M3221 AcFn3222 Semester Based
Accounting  Software Application 2 3 AcFn-M3181 AcFn3182 Semester Based
Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management 2   3 AcFn-M3201 AcFn3201 Semester Based
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